Aid Organisation terje christensen Aid Organisation terje christensen


Å ha muligheten til å hjelpe andre er et privilegium. Donasjon: Klær, medisiner, mat, teknisk utstyr og penger. Donasjoner gjør det mulig å hjelpe andre. Transport: pakke riktig, å gjøre logistikken riktig er forskjellen på at hjelpen kommer fram. Koordinasjon:

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Aid Organisation terje christensen Aid Organisation terje christensen

UA Transfer

The guide with information for Refugees from Ukraine about the possibility of free travel from Poland to other countries and possible support in these countries.

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Aid Organisation terje christensen Aid Organisation terje christensen

Symvol Viry

This organization was set up from the 25th of February , in Fastiv ( Kiev region ) we have built a shelter , Then started delivering humanitarian help to just deoccupied locations where huge trucks couldn’t get , Then moved the help to Kharkiv region and Donbas area , where both civilians and soldiers were and are still in need , we focus on small villages , but also take bigger front line cities to which we can drive on our own

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Aid Organisation terje christensen Aid Organisation terje christensen

Nordic Emergency Aid

To transport and coordinate the transport of refugees in a safe and secure manner. In collaboration with other organizations and agencies, an attempt will be made to create a bridge to reduce the cost of this, and at the same time prevent human trafficking. To work with humanitarian aid, first aid, medical and nursing expertise.

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Aid Organisation terje christensen Aid Organisation terje christensen


Informasjon til nyankomne ukrainske flyktninger på Nasjonalt ankomstsenter på Råde og mottak i Oslo/Viken. Egen nettside med informasjon og svar på spørsmål fra ukrainere.

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Aid Organisation terje christensen Aid Organisation terje christensen

Leger uten grenser

MSF currently work with approximately 133 international staff in Ukraine and employ around 570 Ukrainian staff. They work as medical staff (doctors, nurses), psychologists, logistics and administration and management.

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Aid Organisation terje christensen Aid Organisation terje christensen

Dråpen i Havet

Dråpen i Havet var raskt på plass med bistand til flyktninger fra Ukraina som hadde kommet over grensen til Polen. I Krakow har vi siden 11. mars drevet byen største distribusjonssenter for klær og sko, sammen med vår polske samarbeidspartner.

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